is connecting the dots between sleep and your quality of life; #SLEEPtember2020 is a month-long campaign established to:
- show the connections between OSA and other comorbid health conditions
- raise awareness of the public health impact of sleep disorders
- highlight the necessity of patient-designed research
Up to
Million Americans Are Suffering From Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Up to
of All Children Suffer From Sleep Apnea, Commonly Misdiagnosed As Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Up to
Of Moderate & Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea Cases Are Undiagnosed
Up to
Million Americans suffer from sleep and wakefulness disorders, hindering daily functioning, adversely affecting health and longevity
Women Are
Times Less Likely To Be Diagnosed With Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Up to
of Children Habitually Snoring Suffer From Sleep Apnea
SLEEPtember Events
#SLEEPtember2020 focus is on sleep apnea and major co-occuring conditions. Learn, share, watch and help all month long!

Patient-Designed Research is one of the recognized leaders in patient-designed research on the causes and effects of sleep apnea. We are building a community of patients, researchers and clinicians working together to:
- continue Dr. Christian Guilleminault’s multi-disciplinary approach to care and a path to a cure for pediatrics
- engage with our community to capture the patient’s experience and gather real world data
- help define the role patients and patient-centered networks will play in informing evidence-based research designed to meet patient’s needs
Our Research Partners
COPD Foundation
Health eHeart
The PRIDE Study
ABOUT Network
Healthy Women
Decisions made by local, state and federal policymakers can directly affect your health. That’s why HealthyWomen’s Policy Center offers objective information and resources about policy topics we’ve identified as priorities for women’s health.
UC San Diego
Evidation Health is a technology and services company that helps individuals and the world’s most innovative healthcare companies understand and influence the everyday behaviors that create better health outcomes.
CCHS Foundation
Celiac Foundation
The University of Arizona
Start School Later
Depression & Bi Polar Support Alliance
Hypersomnia Foundation
Welcome to the Hypersomnia Foundation, committed to improving the lives of people living with idiopathic hypersomnia (IH) and related sleep disorders.
American Brain Foundation
Saavy Coop
Paralyzed Veterans of America
Paralyzed Veterans of America has developed a unique expertise on a wide variety of issues involving the special needs of our members – veterans of the armed forces who have experienced spinal cord injury or dysfunction.